Rudolf Reinelt (ed.)
Foreign Language Learning and Teaching Places:
Schools, Universities and Others
- The6thMatsu11 Presentations book -
containing the papers and presentations from
the 6th FL Teaching and Research
第6 回松 11 プレゼンテーション・ブック
第6 回外国語教育研究についてのミニ学会 in Matsuyama Sept. 24& 25, 2011 年 9 月 24・25 日
Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan
松山市 愛媛大学 |
December 2011 |
Issued by: |
Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory |
ルードルフ・ライネルト研究室発行 |
1 |
For citation:
AuthorLastName, AuthorFirstName (2011)
Reinelt, R. (ed.) (2011) Foreign Language Learning and Teaching Places: Schools, Universities and
Others Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory EU Matsuyama, Japan, p. first page – last page.
主催:ルードルフ・ライネルト研究室、愛媛大学 教育・学生支援機構
Organization: Rudolf Reinelt, Ehime University Center for General Education All rights remain with the authors
Rudolf Reinelt (ed.)
Foreign Language Learning and Teaching Places: Schools, Universities and Others
The 6thMatsu11 Presentation book containing
papers from
the 6th FL Teaching and Research
第6 回松 11 プレゼンテーション・ブック
第6 回外国語教育研究についてのミニ学会 in Matsuyama
Sept. 24 & 25, 2011 年 9 月 24・25 日 Ehime University, Matsuyama, Japan
松山市 愛媛大学
December 2011
Issued by:
Rudolf Reinelt Research Laboratory Institute for Education and Student Support Center for General Education
Ehime University
Table of Contents page
Rudolf Reinelt (Ehime University), Introduction: The new decade and (2nd) FL Teaching
- FL Learning and Teaching Places: Schools, Universities and Others |
4 |
The extended program: All abstracts accepted for presentation |
7 |
Introductory paper |
1. |
仲 公一 (松山市立清水小学校), 豊かなかかわりを通して生きる力をはぐくむ学習の創造- |
11 |
2. |
Morten Hunke (Onichi Kyokai), What’s that noise? Audio applications for improving |
24 |
3. |
41 |
4. |
Katrin Niewalda (Matuyama University), Arbeit mit literarischen Texten im Unterricht |
46 |
5. |
Megumi Okada (Sophia University), How to Realize Multiculturalism Caring for |
Minority Language People - Life history of Taiwanese immigrant mothers in Japan – |
50 |
6. |
Kentaro Ochi(Sophia University), Group dynamic assessment and the effect on |
acquisition of prepositions: The different perspective of successful learners and |
60 |
7. |
Risa Shiwaku (Sophia University), Conceptual Fluency of Japanese EFL Learners: |
77 |
8. |
Rudolf Reinelt (Ehime Univ. ), The RRSpeaking Test as a Harmonious System |
87 |
9. |
Harry Carley(Matsuyama University), Wikis and Widgets, Ways to Tech Up your |
113 |
10. Geoffrey Maroko (Kenyatta University), An appraisal of the sources of language input
131 |
Acknowledgements |
132 |
Timeline for 7thMatsu12 |
132 |
Study scenes from 6thMatsu11 |
132 |
3 |
Rudolf Reinelt
The new decade and (2nd) FL Teaching - Foreign Language Learning and Teaching Places: Schools, Universities and Others
If the spread of places of origin of the presenters who appear in person is any indication of the realm of a conference, this
Scientific context
After the September
As we come to the closing part of the initial phase of the new decade, the new directions and developments in (2nd) FL teaching can be supposed to have found their place and settled. It is then far from accidental that the room metaphor has become used as conference theme recently, for the huge GAL (German Association for Applied Linguistics) as well as for this
The “actual” or “virtual” room determines a large number of factors of foreign language learning: What and how well you will learn, who you will learn with, who you will learn from, and in many cases whether you will learn anything relevant at all.
Common to all rooms of FL learning, however, is one characteristic which distinguishes them from many other kinds of rooms such as e.g. a hobby room. What you learn or do there is to be used, at least in part, in that room, while the ultimate goal of FL learning is, except for pedagogical purposes, useful only exclusively outside of the room of FL learning, or, even in the widest of senses, “classroom”.
Due to this split of “room of acquisition” and “room of application”, it is difficult to control what becomes transferred and what not. But what is feasible in the FL classroom is to try and prepare the learner as best as anyhow possible.
The contributions in this volume demonstrate efforts made
-in all kinds of “rooms” imaginable, from elementary school (Naka) to high school (Ochi),
-in various fields of instruction and its control. They concern e.g. the four skills (Reinelt and Hunke, elementary phrases (Naka) (speaking)) as well as grammar (prepositions, Ochi), but also characteristics of private learning (Okada), and technical aspects(Hunke, Cawley). Motivation, control and questionnaires feature in all presentations, but especially in Lee, Ochi and Shiwaku.
-in various contents areas, from literature (Niewalda), metaphors (Shiwaku) and partly new creations (Hunke) to simple means for making contact (Naka) and also how to prepare contents for teaching (Maroko, and, technically, Cawley).
Learners are in all age brackets, from elementary and junior high school, (Naka) to university (Niewalda, Reinelt, Lee, Ochi, Shiwaku) and on to teacher trainees (Maroko) as well as private learners of all ages (Hunke, Okada).
Besides English, aspects of the acquisition or retention of a few other languages were also discussed: Taiwanese/Chinese, Japanese as a FL, and German.
Introduction to the contributions
In the volume below, this year's contributions appear in alphabetical order. All papers address more than one teaching context and learning skill, and update us on various areas of research.
In particular:
Selected as one of three model schools in Matsuyama, Japan, Naka presents the background, goals and efforts in the new subject Foreign Language activities in the fourth, fifth and sixth grade at his Shimizu elementary school. Hunke provides his adult German learners with speaking opportunities in a project where they create podcasts.
Lee’s questionnaire investigates Korean university students’ opinions in order to enlighten the relationship between motivation and proficiency improvement. Niewalda explains the relevance and recommends the inclusion of literature text even on elementary levels of foreign language teaching.
Using the life history method, Okada researches the heritage languages of Taiwanese immigrants and explores their effects on multiculturalism in Japan. Ochi introduces us to and applies Group Dynamic Assessment to find out
different perspectives of successful and unsuccessful learners’ attempts at acquiring various English prepositions.
Shiwaku reports that culturally organized artifacts such as concepts play a central role in regulating our mental activity, but, especially in the form of metaphors, and are challenging even for
Reinelt asks what kind of system the RR speaking test, developed at the authors Ehime University, is and proposes a harmonious system as conceptual base.
Cawley introduces us to recent media and the most important characteristics and how to make use of wikis and widgets for language teaching.
Maroko introduces us to the sources of language input English teacher trainees can use in Kenia.
The contributions this year were all located in different kinds of places, but it should be obvious that with the appropriate abstractions and applications, the ramifications should be informative for other areas as well. Teachers from any location of foreign language instruction will find interesting information and approaches.
If only some of this materializes, this
Looking forward to the 2012 contributions For the organization
Rudolf Reinelt
The extended program: All abstracts accepted for presentation
The 6th FL Teaching and Research
『第6回外国語教育研究についてのミニ学会 in Matsuyama』
Theme: Foreign Language Learning and Teaching Places: Schools, Universities and Others
テーマ: 外国語学習及び教授の場:学校、大学、その他
Days of the conference 開催日:2011 年 9 月 24 日(土)、25 日(日)
Convening time 開催時間: |
9 月 24 日(土) |
9 月 25 日(日) |
開催場所: 愛媛大学(松山市文京町3) 愛大ミューズ3F 343会議室
Venue: Ehime University, Matsuyama City,
主催:ルードルフ・ライネルト (愛媛大学 教育・学生支援機構)
Organisor: Rudolf Reinelt (Ehime University Education and Student Support
1 presentation slot: 50 mins (40 mins presentation + 10 mins break) except if requested otherwise by the presenter(s)
Saturday 9 月 24 日(土) First day <第 1 日目>
Morning 午前 9:00 – 9:45
Organizational meetings and
12:45 開会 歓迎の挨拶 Welcome address
13:00 個人発表Individual presentations
④15:30– 16:10
Awareness on Vocabulary Knowledge of High School Students
1.The Influence of English as an International Language on Persian in Iran
2.The Relationship between Inductive Reasoning Aptitude and Reading comprehension of Iranian EFL Students
18:50– 19:00 Conclusion |
まとめ |
19:00 第一日目終了 End of first day |
19:30- 反省会及び懇親会 |
Welcome party |
Sunday 9 月 25 日 (日) Second day<第 2 日目>
⑨9:30 – 9:50 個人発表 Individual presentations |
Mr. Naka? (松山市立清水小学校) |
effect on acquisition of prepositions: The different perspective of successful learners and unsuccessful learners
Learners: Appropriation of L2 Conceptual Metaphors
12:10 – 13:10 Lunch 昼休み
個人発表 Individual presentations
Argumentative Modes of Rhetoric and Personality Types of Iranian EFL learners
17:30 Closing address 閉会の挨拶
End of conference 全日程終了
Extension possible 延長可
Contact address 連絡先:
This 6th FL Teaching and Research
German Teachers Association, Linguistlist, and the Japanese Association for Language Teaching (JALT). M.Y. took care of all office work.
この「第6 回外国語教育研究についてのミニ学会 in Matsuyama」は、学会支援経 費の援助を受けなかったが、愛媛大学の絶えまないサポートを頂いております。 また、松山大学、日本独文学会、Linguistlist、全国語学教育学会、それぞれの Website及び情報配信担当者の皆さまにお世話になりました。M.Y.は一連の事務的 な仕事を担当してくれました。上記の皆さんに、深くお礼を申し上げます。
Timeline for 7thMatsu12, September
Schedule and conference |
Call for papers |
5 月18 日 |
Flyer |
5 月21 日 |
申し込み締め切り |
7 月31 |
日 |
開催日 |
9 月22 |
日、23 日 |
論文提出 |
11 月15 日 |
愛大HP 掲載 |
12 月25 日 |
See you in Matsuyama !